Tag: growth marketing
How do ZOMATO, OYO, UBER & AMAZON growth teams drive repeat usage of their apps?
In 2015, Google studied the search behavior of Internet users and published an interesting article called “4 New Moments – Every Marketer Should Know”. The article categorizes the search behavior of today’s consumers into 4 major buckets and holds cues to possibly what the users intended to do when they started their search on Google.…
Attribution eats Marketing Strategy for Breakfast
It is rare to find a growth marketing team today that is not Data Driven. All the Marketing Strategies (specially in acquisitions) boil down to 2 decisions Scale-Up what’s working Scale-Down or STOP what’s not working But How do you measure what is working? This is where you need Attribution 3 Most widely used Attribution…
The 4 Types of Marketing Budgets and how to measure if they are working for you (4/4) Brand Marketing Budget
Can Brand Marketing help in Acquisitions? Are there any Objective ways to measure how one’s Brand is doing? How long does it take for Brand Marketing to work? What should be the Brand Marketing Budget for your Company? Read more such interesting questions and my take on them through this article.
The 4 Types of Marketing Budgets and how to measure if they are working for you (2/4) Discounting Budget
Part 2/4 Discounting Budget – Would you pay 20$ to Google and Facebook to acquire an unknown user or Give a 5$ discount to an existing customer to make her transact. How do you decide what to go for ? Read more on how to look at the 4 kinds of marketing budgets and how…
The 4 Types of Marketing Budgets and how to measure if they are working for you (1/4) Acquisition Budget
Marketing Reviews in General It’s another marketing review and every channel owner is presenting what is going on with their primary KPIs. All is fine as long as every channel has enough budget to run their show, people hardly care about the burden of the other. But all of this changes, when your budget is…
What will happen to your Company – if you made the Marketing Budget “ZERO”
It’s another Monday morning, Fresh into the week I usually spend an hour reviewing the Daily, Weekly, and Month to Date numbers. Once Done, I usually return to adding more ideas to my favorite ‘ideas list’ – “what all things we can do to grow faster”. But the day is anything but normal. I get…
Why Growth Marketing teams need a Customer Single View
Learn what is Customer Single View, How to build a CSV – Optimise marketing campaigns for maximum customer lifetime value, conclude product iterations faster and run marketing and growth more confidently. Here we talk about how a customer single view is done and any marketing team can build it with a little help from analytics…
3 Reasons why Referral Marketing is not working for your Product / Startup
When friends or founders reach out to me for growth ideas, usually I begin by asking what all growth channels they have already tried. What is startling, is that frequently Referral Marketing does not even exist in many startups’ growth agendas. This simple yet effective channel getting overlooked in so many companies is so bizarre,…